Saturday, January 5, 2013

Warrior PvP Guide - Warriors Code

Warrior PvP Guide  / Tips

Warrior PvP Guide

Warriors Code

I am a Warrior, fighting in the forces which guard my heavenly father’s kingdom,
I am prepared to give my life in their defense.

I will not be taken prisoner in the battle, I will never surrender of my own free will, nor allow the warriors I fight alongside to surrender as long as we have the strength to resist

If I stumble, I will continue to resist by all means available, I will make every effort to resume the fight, If one of my fellow Warriors stumbles I will fill the gap until he can resume the fight, I will give no rest of comfort to the enemy

I will keep the faith with my fellow warriors. I will take no action which might be harmful to them or to our cause, I will never forget that I am a Warrior, fighting the good fight, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles of my heavenly father.

Warrior PvP Guide

Warrior PvP Guide  / Tips

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Warrior PvP Guide - Arena Combos

Warrior PvP Guide  / Tips

Warrior PvP Guide

Arena Combos

Warrior PvP Guide Arena combos:

Within reason, almost any viable comp works right now, the strongest comps right now are:


Warrior/Hunter/Healer (known as KFC)

Warrior/Death Knight/Healer (known as TSG)



I'd say from what I've seen those are the strongest comps at the moment, I've been exclusively playing Warrior/Warlock/Healer, which is good, but it's not better than those 4 I just mentioned, however, I want to point out that Warlocks are generally a class which gets much stronger as they gear, so I imagine by time Warlocks are in full T2, then that comp will probably be on the same level as those 4, As of right now though, I'd say the strongest 3s comp right now for a Warrior is actually Warrior/Shadow Priest/Resto Shaman, that might surprise some people who would of expected me to say KFC, which is indeed really strong, but Shadow Priests are crazy good right now, really hiding under the radar right now, I would almost consider them the strongest class right now...

A really good Shadow Priest in this comp, makes you nigh unbeatable, the amount of utility, damage and healing that the SP brings is huge.

Resto Shaman is also really good right now, ignore those people who are complaining about it, but Shamans are an even better Healer now than they were in Cataclysm, so many more defensive CDs, they are the best healer for this comp and in my opinion, probably the best Healer for any Warrior comp right now (depends a bit on the partner, like Mage/Druid works really well, and Paladins are obviously really good for cleaves).


2s is well 2s, the best Healer/DPS for Warrior right now is Holy Pala/Warrior, followed closely if not better by Resto Shaman, for double DPS - Hunter/Warrior is easily the best comp, but Shadow/Warrior can work well too.

Almost any comp can really work in 2s though, these are just the ones that (in my opinion) are the best currently.

Warrior PvP Guide  / Tips

Warrior PvP Guide - Spec & Talents

Warrior PvP Guide  / Tips

Warrior PvP Guide

Spec & Talents

Arms as usual is the way to go for PvP right now, I haven't really been able to test Fury much.


First Tier
I actually go with Juggernaut over Double Time

The reason why Double Time is not as good as people think is because there are so many little stuns or CC or get-away abilities, you're basically Charge on CD in Arena, which means you'll never have time to allow Double Time to fully Charge, after the first 3 Charges, you're basically sitting on a 20 second "normal" Charge. Warbringer is pretty much useless.

2. Double Time
3. Warbringer

Second Tier

Second Wind is honestly amazing, by far better than the other 2 options which frankly don't even deserve to be mentioned.

1. Second Wind

Third Tier

Piercing Howl for me is the best option here, to me it should of been baseline years ago, and Blizzard know it as well, but that's neither here nor there.

The other 2 are far too situational, they can have a small niche use in Arena because of the comp you can see your against, but the reality is in this game that it doesn't matter what kind of utility an ability has, if your unable to stick to a target to do damage, than that ability has no use.

I would maybe consider switching them around if I was against a melee or caster cleave, but to be honest Piercing Howl might still be better in those situations since a Warrior can interrupt far more by sticking to their target (something PH helps with) than either of the utility these abilities offer.

I rate Staggering Shout over Disrupting because if you root 2 casters near a pillar, your partner can just LoS them, which ultimately is better than the silence anyway.

1. Piercing Howl
2. Staggering Shout
3. Disrupting Shout.

Fourth Tier

Shockwave is by far the best talent here, it's not even a close contest. Whenever I see a Warrior with Dragon Roar in Arena, I shake my head in dismay.

Not only does Shockwave have a significantly shorter CD, it has more utility as well and can crit really high as well (I've crit over 110k with Shockwave), not as high as Dragon Roar will crit, but with the CD and utility on top of that, it's not even a close contest.

I saw a Warrior with Bladestorm in Arena today, I laughed, it does no damage, it has no real utility.

1. Shockwave
2. Dragon Roar
3. Bladestorm

Fifth Tier

I actually prefer Safeguard over Mass Spell Reflect, I ran with MSR for about the first 20 or so games I did, but I do not like the limited range it has, plus Safeguard has some really nice functions, it breaks your roots meaning you can keep your mobility up without wasting a Dispel on a Nova/Root and it gives a 20% damage reduction (which is actually huge) on your target, sometimes you can save a partner's CD just by using Safeguard and that is massive.

MSR definitely has it's uses and Safeguard isn't 10x better (MSR can save your partner as well if you manage to reflect a Deep, or save his trinket if you reflect a CC), so this partly comes down to which you prefer, but in my opinion Safeguard is the better and more reliable talent. Vigilance has no use in PvP, cooldown is too long and no utility.

1. Safeguard
2. Mass Spell Reflect
3. Vigilance

The Avatar Tier

As the name suggestions, there isn't really an option here, there is 1 god-like talent up against 2 mediocre talents.

Stormbolt is mediocre, it's one of the worst talents I've ever seen in this game, please remove it, it offends my sight.



Personally the Glyphs I use are:

"Death from Above", which in my opinion is a required glyph, not a choice.

"Glyph of Mortal strike", which again is probably required, and helps your healer a lot +more heals from second wind
Warrior PvP Guide

The next one is kinda personal preference, right now I have "Colossus Smash" glyph, because 3 applications of Sunder increases your damage by a lot , Hindering strikes Is also a good option.

Shield Wall glyph is now an option as well, since it's not our only defensive CD now, it might actually be a very good glyph to have now, Spell Reflection glyph as well is a decent, viable option.

As I said, I'd rate "Death from Above" and "Glyph of mortal strike" as being required, other than that you can really choose what you want, I personally go with Colossus Smash, but I'd probably change it to Shield Wall if I knew I was coming up against a team which was gonna train me all game.

The "Intimidating Shout" minor glyph is required, but other than that these are whatever you want.

Warrior PvP Guide  / Tips

Warrior PvP Guide - Gems/Ench/Ref

Warrior PvP Guide  / Tips  

Warrior PvP Guide


Shoulders: Greater Tiger Fang Inscription

Cloak: Superior Critical Strike

Chest: Glorious Stats (normally I'd of said Resilience, but Resilience isn't a good stat right now, and stats are just simply better)

Bracers: Exceptional Strength

Gloves: Super Strength

Legs: Angerhide Leg Armor

Boots: Pandaren's Step

Weapon: Dancing Steel


3% Hit > 3% Exp

after you have 3% hit and 3% expertise go for:

1. Crit (main)

2. Mastery

3. Haste - less important


PvP Power (320 PvP Power) > Strength (160 Strength) > Crit (320 Crit) > Mastery (320 Mastery) > Haste (320 Haste)

Stat weight.

1 PvP Power = 1.70

1 Strength = 2.46

1 Crit = 1.09

1 Mastery = 0.62

1 Haste = 0.27

Warrior PvP Guide  / Tips