Warrior PvP Guide / Tips
Arena Combos
Warrior PvP Guide Arena combos:
Within reason, almost any viable comp works right now, the strongest comps right now are:
Warrior/Hunter/Healer (known as KFC)
Warrior/Death Knight/Healer (known as TSG)
I'd say from what I've seen those are the strongest comps at the moment, I've been exclusively playing Warrior/Warlock/Healer, which is good, but it's not better than those 4 I just mentioned, however, I want to point out that Warlocks are generally a class which gets much stronger as they gear, so I imagine by time Warlocks are in full T2, then that comp will probably be on the same level as those 4, As of right now though, I'd say the strongest 3s comp right now for a Warrior is actually Warrior/Shadow Priest/Resto Shaman, that might surprise some people who would of expected me to say KFC, which is indeed really strong, but Shadow Priests are crazy good right now, really hiding under the radar right now, I would almost consider them the strongest class right now...
A really good Shadow Priest in this comp, makes you nigh unbeatable, the amount of utility, damage and healing that the SP brings is huge.
Resto Shaman is also really good right now, ignore those people who are complaining about it, but Shamans are an even better Healer now than they were in Cataclysm, so many more defensive CDs, they are the best healer for this comp and in my opinion, probably the best Healer for any Warrior comp right now (depends a bit on the partner, like Mage/Druid works really well, and Paladins are obviously really good for cleaves).
2s is well 2s, the best Healer/DPS for Warrior right now is Holy Pala/Warrior, followed closely if not better by Resto Shaman, for double DPS - Hunter/Warrior is easily the best comp, but Shadow/Warrior can work well too.
Almost any comp can really work in 2s though, these are just the ones that (in my opinion) are the best currently.
Within reason, almost any viable comp works right now, the strongest comps right now are:
Warrior/Hunter/Healer (known as KFC)
Warrior/Death Knight/Healer (known as TSG)
I'd say from what I've seen those are the strongest comps at the moment, I've been exclusively playing Warrior/Warlock/Healer, which is good, but it's not better than those 4 I just mentioned, however, I want to point out that Warlocks are generally a class which gets much stronger as they gear, so I imagine by time Warlocks are in full T2, then that comp will probably be on the same level as those 4, As of right now though, I'd say the strongest 3s comp right now for a Warrior is actually Warrior/Shadow Priest/Resto Shaman, that might surprise some people who would of expected me to say KFC, which is indeed really strong, but Shadow Priests are crazy good right now, really hiding under the radar right now, I would almost consider them the strongest class right now...
A really good Shadow Priest in this comp, makes you nigh unbeatable, the amount of utility, damage and healing that the SP brings is huge.
Resto Shaman is also really good right now, ignore those people who are complaining about it, but Shamans are an even better Healer now than they were in Cataclysm, so many more defensive CDs, they are the best healer for this comp and in my opinion, probably the best Healer for any Warrior comp right now (depends a bit on the partner, like Mage/Druid works really well, and Paladins are obviously really good for cleaves).
2s is well 2s, the best Healer/DPS for Warrior right now is Holy Pala/Warrior, followed closely if not better by Resto Shaman, for double DPS - Hunter/Warrior is easily the best comp, but Shadow/Warrior can work well too.
Almost any comp can really work in 2s though, these are just the ones that (in my opinion) are the best currently.
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